Since we were founded in 2004, we have been working with local communities to enable sustainable improvements in education and livelihoods. Here you can see how we have grown since our early days, and our proudest achievements and milestones.

Saathi programme expanded to 9 rural schools in Nepal with 18 teachers working to improve education quality for 1800 pupils
Covid equipment, inlcuding oxygen concentrators, beds and lateral flow tests purchased for 7 rural health centres, emergency relief provided to 100 families affected by flooding in Helambu, Nepal
Speech Therapy roomed constructed and equipped in Bikash special school, India
Two village banking groups established and trained in Tanzania, allowing women to receive loans to expand their businesses

Saathi teachers continue their work in 5 primary schools in Nepal despite Covid disruption
Hardship fund provided for 138 teachers in NE India unpaid due to Covid crisis.
116 women in Tanzania supported to set up new businesses particularly in agriculture and animal husbandry to provide food security during Covid pandemic

Launched our Saathi programme in Nepal, training and mentoring 10 primary teachers to work in Panchpokhari District in Nepal
Provided training to teachers in 6 schools in Kalimpong, India, in computer use and maintenance
Supported 23 blind and partially sighted pupils in Longido school Tanzania with teaching materials and pastoral care.

Started or completed building of another 5 schools to earthquake resilient standards in Nepal.
Supported further growth of our grants and loans programme in Tanzania with 127 new businesses setup with grants and another 82 loans provided to support emerging businesses.
Continued our support of over 2,200 pupils across 13 schools in the Himalayan region of India.

Completed and handed over 6 schools re-built to earthquake resilient standards in Nepal, as well as 2 new hostels for girls.
Continued to grow our grants and loans programme in Tanzania with 98 new businesses setup with grants and another 69 loans provided to support emerging businesses.
Placed over 15 high quality volunteers (mostly teachers) to work alongside schools and train teachers in the Himalayan region of India.

The first of our re-built and re-designed schools open in Nepal following the devastating earthquakes of the previous year.
Expansion of our grants and loans programme in Tanzania with 67 new businesses setup with grants and another 53 loans provided to support growing businesses.
Launch of our Education Improvement Project in the Himalayan region of India to introduce a method for the schools to drive their own improvements to all aspects of education provision.

Huge effort by Mondo and supporters to respond to series of devastating earthquakes in Nepal, with over £200,000 raised in three months.
Hugely successful teacher training sessions in the Himalayan region of India.
Expansion of the Tanzania grants programme.
Anthony Lunch, our CEO, presented with Directory of Social Change’s Influencer Award on behalf of Mondo for response to Nepal earthquake.

Teacher training initiative and Agricultural project launched in the Himalayan region of India
Nepal sponsorship programme launched for A level students
School in a Bag launched in Nepal and the Himalayan region of India

First Year 10 students graduate from Magno Vale Academy in Darjeeling and secure places at local colleges to continue their education
Further expansion of Nepal programme: 27 schools supported and 4,000 children benefitting annually

Major new funding for the Tanzania HIV grants and loans programme
Magno Vale school building expansion in the Himalayan region of India region
In Nepal, a major new programme launched with school building, libraries, new teachers plus training

Over 300 HIV positive women had set up business thanks to the HIV grants and loans programme in Tanzania
3 more classrooms built in Tanzania, plus water storage in 6 locations
Over 12,000 children benefitting annually
Education project in the Himalayan region of India expanded to 9 schools and 2 of these able to make a start in developing secondary education
Mondo was awarded a major grant to assist 10 small rural primary schools in Nepal. We built several new classrooms, recruited additional teachers and provided libraries and games equipment

Computer and internet facilities to a centre for the blind in Longido, Tanzania
A major expansion of the Tanzania HIV Grants programme took place and micro loans were introduced
4 more classrooms built in Tanzania
Mondo started building a brand new 8 classroom school in the Himalayan region of India

Expansion of the HIV Grants programme to Moshi region and launch of an HIV training and awareness project in the Arusha region of Tanzania
Mondo obtain biggest single grant; a 3 year programme from Man Group charity for new classrooms, plus water storage in Tanzania
Developing support programme in the Himalayan region of India to help small local schools
First ever Mondo funded school building is completed at Mount View in the Kalimpong region
Nepal added to our list of countries as we helped support teacher salaries in schools near Kathmandu

Initiative taken by ex- Mondo Challenge volunteers to set up the charity
Springs into action after the tsunami in Sri Lanka raising £50,000 in just three months
Launches flagship HIV Grants programme in Tanzania